Eye to Eye Photographic Competition. Entries open 6 December - 16 January 2024.


We have assembled a prestigious three person judging panel of leading photographers from Western Australia.

Frances Andrijich

Frances Andrijich is one of Western Australia’s finest photographers. Her extraordinary images – whether captured in the townships of South Africa, the Croatian countryside, or Indonesian slums – have earned her a growing national and international reputation. That said, Frances’ heart lies in Western Australia and she has a passion for capturing the people and the places they live in.

Shooting intuitively and incisively, Frances’ photographs can be lush and painterly; or witty and surprising. They are always technically superb. Frances’ images grace the covers of magazines, feature articles, books and campaigns. Her portfolio is diverse, grown out of her ability to be versatile, and her desire for the extraordinary. It includes portraits documentary, dance, corporate, landscapes, food and wine.

Frances is the recipient of numerous awards; she exhibits regularly and has published eleven books, as well as being a contributing photographer to four other books. In yet another way to share her clients’ stories in a more comprehensive and engaging way, she has introduced the production of videos, creating short films for websites and social media and she has produced many of the Lions Eye Institute’s recent videos and still photographs.

Chris Barry

Chris is an ophthalmic photographer at the Lions Eye Institute and has held this position for more than 40 years. His photography has won many awards for capturing the eye and its health in astounding detail, including:

  • Winner Nature/Science category Australian Institute of Professional Photography X4 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011
  • Best of Show Australian Institute of Medical and Biological Illustrators 2011
  • Best of Show American Society Cataract and Refractive surgery X2 2007, 2011
  • Best of Show Ophthalmic Photography Society X3 1996,1998,2007

Steve Wise

Steve is the Coordinator and medical photographer/videographer in the Medical Multimedia Design Department at Royal Perth Hospital – and a commercial and fine art portrait photographer outside of this position. Steve’s fine art portrait photography delves past what is seen on the surface to discover who a person is and portray a story, an event, a place. He is a highly sought after photographer throughout Western Australia. His distinctive style and creative approach have earned him multiple photographic awards at state, national and international level.

With over 20 years in the photographic and graphic design industry, Steve works with a relaxed approach coupled with attention to detail and the highest regard for the service he provides.

In 2010, his first year as a full accredited member of the AIPP, Steve was awarded the coveted WA AIPP Professional Photographer of the Year Award, alongside the 2010 WA AIPP Wedding Photographer of the Year. More recently his fine art portraiture secured him the 2016, 2014 and 2012 WA AIPP Portrait Photographer of the Year and at a national level, the 2018 AIPP Australian Portrait Photographer of the Year. Most recently Steve was awarded the international 2021 winner of the Siena International Creative Photo Awards in Portraiture (Italy) and the 2022 Premier Award Winner Still Image Personal Work BCA BioImages (USA).

Steve holds an R.B.I. Accreditation (Registered Biomedical Illustrator) with the Australian Institute of Medical and Biological Illustrators (AIMBI), in line with his work as a Medical Photographer at Royal Perth Hospital.

Independent adviser for the competition

In addition to our judging panel, we also have an independent adviser, who will have the final word on any queries regarding eligibility of photographic entries and accordance with our competition terms and conditions.

Dale Neill

Dale is passionate about his photography. He communicates with people with enthusiasm, consideration and humour and then creates vivid and memorable images. His first photograph was taken on a borrowed Brownie 620 when he was six. By the time he was fifteen he was completely absorbed by the magic of photography. He maintains that enthusiasm today.

Dale Neill has a long history of running photographic competitions in Western Australia, having led the Fremantle International Portrait Prize for 10 years. Dale is also a patient of the Lions Eye Institute and lives with vision impairment due to glaucoma.

Dale is also one of Australia’s leading photo educators, previously teaching portrait photography in the University of Western Australia’s Extension Program. He has also taught digital photography and run workshops for photography enthusiasts in Australia and throughout the world.