Eye to Eye Photographic Competition. Entries open 6 December - 16 January 2024.

Award categories

As eyes are our window to the world, so too are photographs a window into a photographer’s world. It is this theme that we would like to explore through the Eye to Eye Photographic Competition.

Photography is so connected with our visual senses and there is an inherent link between photography and eyes. The scientific workings of an eye are often compared to a camera, with the pupil of the eye being like the aperture of the camera – regulating the amount of light entering the eye. Focusing is done by the cornea and lens, while the retina is the light-sensitive tissue of the eye – like the film in traditional SLR cameras.

By bringing together the art of the photograph with the science of the eye, we hope to draw attention to eye health in a unique and engaging way.

Additionally, there is a People’s Choice Award, as voted on by the public during an in-person photographic exhibition of short-listed images.

Our award categories are as follows:

The Human Eye, Window to the World


Human eye, window to the world

Open entry to all residents of Western Australia.

The human eye is the window to the world and this category showcases the human eye, different cultures, different shapes and colours of eyes, with a particular focus on people from Western Australia.

Photographs can be any artistic and creative interpretation of the human eye including portrait photography, photographs drawing the viewers’ attention to the human eye and reflections of the human eye.

PRIZE: $2,500 cash

Seeing with the Mind’s Eye


Seeing with the mind’s eye

Open entry to all residents of Western Australia.

This award category showcases unique perspectives on the world through the eye of the beholder. We hope to celebrate the many unique and different ways of seeing the world, including people with vision impairment.

We want you to use your imagination to show us the world through your eyes or draw our attention to the plight of people who live with vision impairment.

PRIZE: $2,500 cash plus a two night accommodation package for two people at the Pearler’s Village at the Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm (valued at $904).

Eagle Eye

Eagle eye

Open entry to all residents of Western Australia.

This award category is all about animal eyes, with a particular emphasis on animals living within Western Australia (including native animals, non-native animals and domestic pets).

Animals have eyes of all different kinds, from insects to mammals. Photographs can be any artistic and creative interpretation of the animal eye including animal portrait photography, photographs drawing the viewer’s attention to the animal eye and reflections of an animal eye.

PRIZE: $2,500 cash

Seeing through a Child’s Eye

Seeing through a child’s eye

Under 18 year old residents of Western Australia only.

This award category aims to encourage young photographers to submit their photos of human eyes, animal eyes or unique perspectives on the world through their own eyes.

Read through our adult award categories and choose the one that appeals to you and if you are under 18 as at 1 December 2023, you can enter this award category.

PRIZE: $500 cash

The people's choice award


People’s Choice Award

All entrants in all competition catgeories are automatically entered into this category. This is an extra award which will be voted on by the public during an in-person photographic exhibition of short-listed images. PRIZE: $2,000 cash plus a neoprene bracelet from Pearls of Australia and Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm (valued at $430).